Thursday, January 26, 2017

May It Be So In Each Of Us

“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

I Peter 2:5

The church is made up of living stones.

You and I are those living stones being built into a spiritual house.

We are not to be one thing when we gather together as believers and be something different at the job site Monday through Friday.

Erasing the divide between the church service and the workaday world we all live in can only happen when there is no dividing line!

It happens when what we are at church is identical to what we are at work.

The world will not be won inside the four walls of our church building.

Increasingly, we are seeing less and less interest in the non-believer even darkening the doors of our churches.

Jesus’ greatest impact was not inside the synagogue.

It was on a hillside, in a boat and ‘along the way’.

He was out ‘in the world’ as much if not more than He was in the synagogue preaching or teaching.

And no one would accuse Jesus of being a hypocrite.

His thoughts, beliefs and behaviors were identical inside and outside the four walls.

There was no need for erasing the divide between the two for Jesus because not only is He the same yesterday, today and tomorrow but He is (and was) the same in heaven, in hell and in everywhere in between.  

He is the unchangeable God.

As we become His unchangeable witnesses regardless of our audience we will see our impact in the earth grow and grow!

May it be so in each of us.

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