Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Let God Be Magnified – In Me!

“...These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.”

Acts 17:6b NKJV

Imagine the magnitude of impact a church would have when they magnified God in their midst.

No longer a mere tremor or an aftershock impact, but a church that splits the earth wide open for the glory of God.

Individual lives, neighborhoods, cities, regions, nations and the whole earth changed because the church began to understand the God they served is bigger than they had realized before and well able to do all He says He will do.

That is a church that will impact the world for God.

Do you want to be a part of that church?

It can start with you.

What is amplified in your life?

Who or what do you magnify: the problem or the problem solver?

Is it more about you or more about Him?

Guess what – when you make more room for Him, He will take it.

That begins to magnify His impact through you, changing the world around you for Him!

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