Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Push That Plate Away!

“And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert [Him Whom they ought to trust and obey] and will stumble and fall away
and betray one another and pursue one another with hatred.”
Matthew 24:10 (Amplified)
If you are a believer it is Gods’ intention to let His
supernatural love flow through you to others.
So what could stop that from happening?
Like cholesterol clogging the arteries of a heart, offenses are akin to ‘spiritual cholesterol’.
They can both slow and stop the flow of Gods’ supernatural love to others.
Cholesterol, left un-checked, can eventually lead to death.
Offenses, left un-checked, can eventually lead to death.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” you say. “That’s a pretty strong statement.”
Yes, it is.
But look again at the words of Jesus above.
If you betray and pursue one another with hatred,
can you honestly say the love o
f the Father is in you?
And yet Jesus’ words (not mine) say that is the end result of harboring an offense.
I think we can all agree that is not a good place to be!
As we looked at previously, offenses are easy to come by.
They are attached to the routines of life like movie theatre butter on popcorn.
We can swallow them, enjoying the taste and texture, or we can guard our hearts by changing our “spiritual diets” to eliminate the ‘intake’ of offenses.
It is well past time we change our diet.
Let’s not be spoon-fed by the enemy.
Offenses may come but we need not consume them.
Push that plate away!

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