Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Listen, listen, listen…

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:
Everyone should be slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to become angry,”
James 1:19 (RBV-Revised Brisson Version)
Did you catch it?
Go back and read today’s verse again.
Now, did you catch it?
The verse, as re-written above, reflects what we often do.
The verse, as actually written and inspired by God, reflects what we should do.
Like Paul the Apostle, what we should do and what we actually do can be quite different.
When you truly understand that point, it gives you a whole new appreciation for God’s grace.
I thank God for His grace.
I need it every moment.
I don’t always do what I am supposed to do.
How about you?
Ask God today for His grace that you might be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
They say an effective and good listener is not thinking about what he is going to say in response to someone but is actually hearing what the other person is saying.
It seems our world is filled with people pre-occupied with a response that is not a result of listening.
They engage their vocal chords a hundred times more frequently than their ear drums.
The counsel offered in God’s Word will never fail you.
Listen, listen, listen….

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