Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Escalate or Diffuse?

“If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Romans 12:18 (Amplified)
Supernatural love responds with peace.
We all face injustices in our lives.
It would be naïve of you and me to believe we could walk through life free of
conflict and offense.
But when those conflicts arise and those offenses come, how do you respond?  
Notice, the question is not how do the offending parties respond; rather how do you respond?
We are very good at ignoring or even justifying our hurt and anger.
We have good reason to be upset!
Maybe so.
But that does not change the biblical admonition.
We are to respond in a way that promotes peace and not conflict.
We are to work to diffuse and not escalate.  
The events of the past few nights in Baltimore, Maryland were ripe with examples of ‘diffusers’ and "escalators’.
But in our own personal lives we too face those same choices.
Do you make every attempt to live at peace with everyone?
Certainly there are times when that is not possible, as the scripture recognizes, but more often than not, we do have the choice.
We you escalate or will you diffuse?

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