Thursday, April 2, 2015

Emotions and the Child Guide

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,”
Luke 4:1
Imagine you had scrimped, saved, sacrificed and planned for a long, long time in order to take a dream trip to one of the world’s great cities.
It might be London or Paris or New York or perhaps you have another location in mind.
You have waited for years and at long last the day finally arrives.
You had arranged to have the tour companies guide meet you at the airport.
After you disembark the plane there is a six year old holding a sign with your name.
Though it seems a bit odd you walk up and introduce yourself.
He wipes his nose on the back of his hand and offers it to shake yours announcing that he will be your guide.
You are too stunned to offer any objection initially so you simply follow.
He has a rental car for you to drive and the first stop is the greatest thing this city has to offer…a six year old – an ice cream shop followed by a pony ride.
Now, of course that is a silly scenario but it is also somewhat realistic when you find yourself allowing your emotions to guide you.
They can be immature, irrational and, well, uh, just plain emotional!
Your best planned trip suddenly took a nose dive.
When we are facing transition or change and we let our emotions guide us through that time it is like that six year old being allowed to set the agenda for your trip of a lifetime.  
Maybe, you will see something you had planned to – as you drive quickly past it on your way to the carnival.
As believers we are to be led by the Holy Spirit.
We don’t always like the ‘tours’ He takes us on.
After all, didn’t He lead Jesus into the wilderness?
Yes, yes He did.
But it was a necessary part of the trip just as He will lead you to the necessary destinations and appointments that the call of God on your life requires.
You can always change tour guides – back to your emotions – but will they fulfill the purposes of God?
Likely not!
They will probably take you down the broad path.
You may even find lots of companionship along the way but it is still not where Gods’ Spirit would take you.
Ultimately, His guidance leads you to the good plans God has for your life.
Isn’t that a far better ‘tour’ than where your emotions alone will take you?

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