Wednesday, March 11, 2015

God Redeems Our Lives

“in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:14

Remember those little wooden blocks you played with as a child.
If you are 50 years old or older you probably do.
They were simple blocks with letters, symbols or designs on them and left alone with your imagination they could become a skyscraper, a roadblock, whatever you chose to build.
Our accumulated ‘now’ moments with God are like those blocks.
Those moments help to build our future walk.
I think it is essential that we see the word ‘help’ as an important link in that last sentence.
Let’s go back to those building blocks.
Remember the time you tried to build that tower only to have it come crashing down?
Sometimes our opportunities with God are missed.
Let’s face it, sometimes we just blow it.
The wonderful news is that we serve a God of redemption.
He is a God of second chances.
He is a God who restores.  
Thank God we don’t get what we deserve.
Praise Him that because of the grace given through the work of Jesus Christ even my mistakes can be redeemed.
My less than glorious past moments can be placed under the Blood of Jesus.
Forgiveness was available for those who put Jesus on the cross.
Forgiveness is available for you.
Do you have past moments that need to be forgiven?
Bring them to Christ.
There is forgiveness for you.
You, and your past, are not beyond the power of the cross!

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