Monday, November 10, 2014

Are You a Spur?

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25

The word “Spur” is defined as - a goad to action;
Some of us, though, when we hear that word may think of this definition –
“a sharp pointed object that is attached to the heel of a horse rider's boot and that is pressed into the horse's side to make the horse go faster.”
Does the church you attend help you stay spiritually motivated?
Are you ‘spurred’ on to love and good deeds by your brothers and sisters in Christ?
The original picture in the Greek text of the New Testament was that of a ‘goad stick’.
A goad stick, like a spur, was a sharp pointed stuck used to persuade or provoke livestock to move in a certain direction.
Am I saying we are nothing more than cattle?
Not at all, what scripture teaches us in these verses is that sometimes we need one another to provoke us in a certain direction – spur, goad or provoke us to love and good works.
Left to ourselves that might not happen.
We can easily become complacent and self-centered.
We need the Body of Christ.
We need one another to move toward maturity.
God never meant for us to walk the walk alone.
We look out for one another knowing that we cannot do it alone.
Are you a believer in Jesus Christ?
Then you must be connected to His body.
Anything less is less than His best plan for you.
I need you and you need me.
Christ created us to be in fellowship with Him and one another.
It is in that close, intimate fellowship that we can spur one another on.
Not for the purpose of inflicting wounds or advancing our own agenda but for the sake of love and good works!

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