Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Mirror or a Window?

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
Ephesians 5:21

Where does accountability begin?
One would have to argue that it begins in the home.
God created man and woman and instituted marriage.
He established an order for the home which, if unheeded, has huge implications for the family and for society at large.
Without getting on my soap box today let me just say that there is also an essential and necessary accountability in the local church.
God is a god of order and not of chaos.
Without accountability in our churches they become a mirror of society rather than a window into heaven.
Accountability brings order and direction to a church.
Have you ever tried to row a boat?
Draw one oar back in the water and then the other instead of drawing them back in unison and you end up going in circles.
Accountability brings that unity of purpose and direction needed to accomplish things for the Kingdom rather than everyone doing their own thing.
Our human nature rebels against submitting to authority and being told what to do.
But scripture is also clear that our human nature needs to be brought under submission to the Spirit of God and that includes submission and accountability within the local church.
So we can ask ourselves some questions:
Do I lovingly submit to those God has set as leaders in my church?
Do I pray for them and commit to fulfilling my part in the vision God has established?
Am I accountable and committed to His Place or the local church God has planted me in?
Do I look to find fault (the easy road) or do I look to build up?
Do I serve where God has put me?
Just as any home has obligations on the family so your church has obligations for you to fulfill as they fulfill the vision God has called them to.

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