Thursday, September 4, 2014

Guide Me

“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:5
My family and I recently toured the home of William Seward, the Secretary of State to Abraham Lincoln.
The tour was led by a docent who expertly guided us through each room sharing the significance of Seward’s life and contributions at a critical time in US history.
Had we walked through the rooms without a guide we surely would have missed much that was available to us on the tour.
We, like others in our group were able to ask questions and have them answered by our knowledgeable guide.
That, too, would have been unavailable to us if we had not had a guide leading us through the home.
As believers we have a guide leading us through life.
That is, if we choose to follow.
You see this guide does not manipulate, control or dominate.
He only guides those who are willing to follow.
The guide I am speaking about is, of course, the Holy Spirit.
But there can be many ‘guides’ available to us in life.
Yes, even after we have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
We can choose the guidance of the Holy Spirit or we can brush Him aside (remember He won’t force you to be guided by Him) and instead say: “Flesh guide me!”
Maybe you can’t imagine yourself ever saying that but is it evident by your actions?
We can choose to be guided by flesh, peer pressure, ambition, careers, popular culture, money, power, Hollywood or a host of other things.
A church can also surrender the lead to the Holy Spirit or to a board, a pastor, a denomination, a religious culture – to name just a few.
So who is your guide today?
For your life?
Choose the Holy Spirit!

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