Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Turning the Tables on Our Talk

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing,”
Philippians 2:14
This week we have had some very hot weather.
We have done what ‘comes natural’ in response.
We have complained.
It is so easy to do sometimes.
Complaining is far more ‘natural’ than expressing gratitude.
But here’s a challenge –
The next time you are tempted to complain about something, instead of acting ‘natural’ try acting supernatural by expressing gratitude out of a heart of thankfulness.
Don’t take what seems like the easy way out.
Begin to look for those opportunities to say “Thank you Lord!”
Let the expressions of gratitude and thanks begin to take hold of your life.
John the Baptist once said, speaking of Jesus:
“He must increase but I must decrease.”
Why not take that approach with your thankfulness (let them increase) and your complaints (let them decrease).
As you do you will notice a shift in your attitude.
You will find it easier to find things to be grateful for and will be less likely to jump at the first opportunity to grouse about something.
But you’ll have to be deliberate about it.
Remember, it’s much easier to complain.  
Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask God to open your eyes to the many blessing you have missed or ignored.
Just stop and think about what blesses you more a whining, complaining child or one who takes the time to say “Thank you!”
Get the picture?

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