Wednesday, July 2, 2014


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
No, I’m not talking the turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and football kind of Thanksgiving.
Instead, I mean that thanksgiving that is expressed through a grateful heart.
So how do we do that?
It starts with transforming your thinking.
What are the very first thoughts as you shut off your alarm?
Do you dread the workday; are you overwhelmed by your schedule; will you face something today that you have continually put off because it is not something you look forward to facing?
Why not bring each of those fears to God in prayer?
Why not ask God to show you the blessings each of them carries?
“Lord, I know my workday means facing that individual who is disagreeable 50% of the time and grumpy the other 50% but you have shown me before how to extend your grace and for that I am thankful, allow me to minister in that same grace today”
“Lord, it seems that I have a hundred hours’ worth of tasks to fit into my 24-hour day. I thank you and am amazed at how you have stretched my time before in order that I may accomplish much. I ask for your favor with my schedule today as well.”
“Lord, forgive my procrastination in not confronting the difficult issue that I cannot put off any longer. I am grateful that on the other side of this day I will know your faithfulness in a more intimate way as you walk beside me through this. Thank you Lord!”
Don’t just make every day a day of thanksgiving.
Make every moment a moment of thanksgiving.
Watch how the Holy Spirit uses that to transform your thinking!

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