Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Power to be…

 “I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 1:19-20
The resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that Jesus has the power He claims to have.
His power is available to each of us.
So what can we say about that power?
It knows no limit!
Am I saying that unlimited power is available to every believer?
Actually no, Paul the Apostle says it in the verses above.
So if unlimited power is available then what limits that power in us?
Look at the second half of the first sentence and there we see the words
“…for us who believe Him.”
Niagara Falls is a pretty impressive tourist attraction in both the United States and Canada.
But it is more than just a pretty waterfall.
The power of that water is harnessed and converted to electricity that serves both nations.
So it is with the power of God.
Its purpose is not simply to impress.
He fills us with His power to be His witnesses.
But do we believe Him?
Is His power working in you and through you or is it untapped by unbelief?
Think of it this way – you are ‘plugged into’ the power source which is God but the switch that allows that power to flow – belief – remains in the “Off” position.
Like Niagara Falls, which for thousands of years flowed with the power untapped, many believers live their lives missing the full potential of God’s power in them. 
Hence Paul’s prayer that the Ephesians – and by extension – each one of us understand the greatness of God’s power for us (you and me) who believe?
Do you believe?
Go, in that power, to be His Witnesses.

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