Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do You Ask Questions Later?

 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…”
Luke 23:34
How do I develop the self-control that allows my God given emotions to enhance my life and not empower it?
Step one is to learn to transition from reaction to reflection.
Do you fly off the handle at the slightest provocation?
Do you escalate from anger to violent rage faster than a lightning bolt?
Do you act first and ask questions later?
These are all symptoms of a person who reacts rather than reflects.
The person who has learned to reflect takes the time to consider some things.
What response will please God most?
How will my actions bring honor to God?
If I respond in this way does it hurt or help my witness for Christ?
Can I walk away afterwards satisfied in my flesh or strengthened in my spirit based on my behavior?
When you develop self-control by reflecting rather than reacting the impact can be far reaching.
Consider the lives of Sampson and Joseph.
Sampson always seemed to be driven by his emotions.
This brought about his destruction.
Joseph endured great emotional hardships but through it he developed self-control.
Unlike Samson, Joseph’s life was long and honorable, even though he was in Egypt!
Of course we have no greater example than Jesus himself as he hung on the cross.
He could have lashed out in anger at those who mocked Him and crucified Him.
Instead, we read His words in today’s highlighted verse.
Don’t let anyone fool you.
Jesus wasn’t treated with kid gloves.
But even in His unimaginable suffering, He still was not ruled by His emotions.
He reflected on how His response might impact the eternity of those who heard Him.
Consider that the next time you are ready to fly off the handle for some silly reason.

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