Thursday, October 11, 2012

Turning Over A New Leaf Just Won’t Cut It!

“All of us have become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
    and like the wind our sins sweep us away.”
Isaiah 64:6

All our wonderful works are like filthy rags to God.
Stop and think about the implication of that as it relates to our walking in holiness.
The only way out of sin is that God brings you out of it.
The work of the cross and the power of the blood alone are what make the difference.
That means I can’t “willpower” my way out of it.
If I could then I wouldn’t need God.
I can’t even pray or fast my way out of it because even in those acts I would be far too quick to take the credit. 
That is not to say we shouldn’t pray, fast or conform our will to Gods’.
But we must recognize that our very best efforts are never, and will never, be enough. 
Have you struggled with a particular sin and no matter how much you confess, repent and try to turn over a new leaf it doesn’t seem to work?
As a matter of fact, your life looks like my backyard this time of year.
It is littered with leaves.
Mine from a Maple tree and yours from the new ones you have tried to turn over.
Even the victory I seek over my besetting sin (as the Bible describes it) is a work of grace and not a work of my own blood, sweat and tears.
Some may come to you and say:
“Well, you don’t have victory because you just haven’t tried hard enough!”
Since when is it my effort or yours?
One of my favorite verses tells us we are to walk in the Spirit so we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
You and I must value that relationship with God.
Jesus talked about it as “…abiding in the vine.”
Holiness comes through relationship.
It does not come through adhering to a long list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts”
Through relationship I do things through love and not through compulsion.
Let the power of God break the power of sin in your life.
Your own power can’t touch it!

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