Monday, October 22, 2012

Being Two-Faced Won’t Work With God!

“Then David was angry because the Lord’s wrath had broken out against Uzzah,
and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.”          
                                                  I Chronicles 13:11                                                                              

God, I’m angry with you!
Say that out loud in some Christian circles and you suddenly find yourself solitary and all alone as others duck for cover so as not to be hit by the lightening bolt that has your name on it.
But is that true?
Is God prepared to annihilate you because you are honest with Him?
I don’t think so.
If I were to direct a “no-brainer” question to you at this point it might be this:
Is it better to be honest with God or to “hide”
(as if that were really possible) our feelings from Him?
If you agree that we cannot hide how we feel, then doesn’t
it make sense to come clean with God when you are angry?
Admit it.
That really is step one in dealing with your anger.
Hide it or (more accurately we might say) fail to admit it and it is like the Monopoly piece that cannot move past “Go”.  
We become stuck in a relationship that has barriers and distance between the two parties.
Not barriers or distance of Gods’ choosing but because we are being dishonest with Him.
Begin to deal with your anger toward God by admitting that it is real.
Honestly, when you do this He won’t run away, He will draw near.  
In our own lives when there is anger between us and a friend our admission doesn’t always bring the other person running back.
Sometimes they want to nurse their wounds.      
They want to hold a grudge.
They want to make you pay.
They want to be in control.
God is not at all like that.
When you admit you are angry, He is prepared to help you past that to a restored relationship.
Over the next several days we will look at how that is accomplished.

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