Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An Anger Sleuth

“David was afraid of God that day and asked, “How can I ever bring the ark of God to me?”
I Chronicles 13:12
We have been encouraged to be honest with God by admitting when we are angry with Him.
Let’s assume we have taken that advice, so now what?
What is the next step?
We now need to narrow down the cause of our anger.
Are we angry out of hurt, frustration or fear?
On Sunday an example was given of anger out of hurt which I think we can all identify with.
You get out of bed during the night and it is dark so you stub your toe very badly.
Can you say: “Been there, done that”?
Of course we can also be angry when are ‘feelings’ are hurt.
 Anger does not just result from physical hurts.
The same holds true with anger resulting from frustration and fear.
If you are a parent you may have watched as frustration in your child quickly turned to anger when they realized that they could not seem to do what others were able to do more easily.
As a parent of a developmentally disabled adult I saw this often – and still do – in my daughter.
Finally, in our text today we find David was afraid of God because Uzzah was struck down by God as he tried to steady the cart.
David fear was evidenced, in part by his anger as we read in the previous verse from yesterday’s blog. 
Hurt, frustration or fear are three leading causes of most people’s anger toward God. Remember that we do not want anger to put distance between us and God.
 Once you narrow down the cause you are ready for our next step in dealing with it.
We will look at that tomorrow.

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