Thursday, October 5, 2017

It’s Time to Act

“"...Why stay here until we die?”

II Kings 7:3b

And then it’s time to act!

We’ve staked our claim with God.

We’ve prayerfully sought His direction and strategy.

We’ve not moved ahead of God but waited to move according to His timing.

And now He has released us to do just that!

The Battle of Jericho illustrates this well.

There was a specific time to act.

Too soon or too late would not have brought the victory they won that day.

So it is in our lives.

We wait but when it is time to step out, it is time to step out.

Peter waited for the invitation to step out of the boat and when Jesus spoke, he responded.

David was anointed King but waited years to see it fulfilled.

When it was time he acted.

“Here am I, send me!” was the response of the prophet Isaiah to the question:

“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

How about you?

Is it time to act?

Has God said “Now!”

If so, then what are you waiting for?

It’s time to act...

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