Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Honor and Respect

“Give to everyone what you owe them:

If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue;

if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Romans 13:7

I want to add to what was posted here previously concerning the verse above.

Am I holding back what I owe someone?

The verse expressly tells me to give everyone what is owed them.

Paul specifically mentions taxes and revenue but then he goes on and nails every one of us by mentioning two other things we often withhold – respect and honor.

He had just been speaking of those in authority so in context how about a little respect and honor for those who lead our nation, state, city or town?

How about a little respect for our boss, our teacher or the police officer?

Nowhere in this verse does Paul declare we only need to respect those that we agree with.

He doesn’t even say respect and honor only those you like!

Respect and honor are due then because of the position of authority they hold understanding that they hold that position with the authority and permission of God.

Soooo...when we disrespect and dishonor those to whom respect and honor are due...who is it really that you are disrespecting and dishonoring?

Food for thought.

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