Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I Owe, I Owe...

“ Give to everyone what you owe them:

If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue;

if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Romans 13:7

I owe, I owe so off to prayer I go!


Isn’t that little ditty supposed to be:

I owe, I owe so off to work I go? Nope, at least not in my version.

You see what I take away from the verse above is not to owe any many anything and that includes gratitude.

Do you owe someone a word of thanks for a blessing you received, large or small?

Don’t hold back what you owe.

I know what you’re’ thinking –

“Why this message today – shouldn’t this post be for the third Thursday in November?”

I hope not! Gratitude must not be expressed one day out of the year only, nor should it be persuaded out of us because it is what ‘everyone does on this day’!

Yes, I know Paul was speaking about respect and honor but how better to respect and honor someone than to express your gratitude to them.

It may be just the encouragement they need to hear.

Maybe they were ready to throw in the towel but your words motivate them to persevere.

What an honor to have a part in someone continuing in the work they have been called to.

Soooo...as you go to prayer ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you owe an expression of gratitude or thanks to someone and then follow-up by obeying.

You just may reap what you sow!

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