Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Step, Fall, Step, Fall, Step, Step…

“The Lord makes firm the steps
    of the one who delights in him,”
Psalm 37:23

Are you a risk taker or are you all about playing it safe?
There was a time when we all took risks.
You probably don’t remember it well.
You were first learning to walk.
If you are like most people your parents held you with their hands and did everything possible to reduce or eliminate the risks from your little life.
Inevitably though the time came when either no one was around or they were fa enough away that you took a couple of steps alone and then plunk – down you went.
If you were fortunate you missed any furniture on the way down.
You had just taken a risk!
Our walk with Christ demands risk – we call it faith.
The first steps of faith can seem impossible.
Peter never got into the boat thinking that the next time he stepped out he would be walking on water.
But he did.
He also faltered but the Lord, like our parents when we took those few first wobbly steps, was right there and saw that Peter was safely back in the boat.
Peter took a risk.
He stepped out in faith.
He walked on water even if for just a few steps.
Like the child who is emboldened by those first steps taken Peter could look back and remember what it is to step out in faith.
His faith would grow.
Ours will to as we learn to walk by faith and not by sight.
Faith is essential to our walk and to our growth.
Look for those faith stretching opportunities today!

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