Monday, October 19, 2015

…Are Being Transformed…

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,
are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
John 1:35-42
Our Pastor offered this definition today –
Spiritual Transformation:
A radical reorganization of your identity, your values,
your beliefs and your life’s purpose on earth.
I appreciate the clear understanding that definition brings to the fact that transformation is a process. It is accomplished over time.
Unlike being born again which happens in a moment,
transformation seems, at times, painstakingly slow.
Our instant culture craves instant everything and that includes the radical changes our new life in Christ brings.
We would prefer that we were saved and sanctified in the speed of light.
Oh, and make it painless too!
Look back at that definition though.
Things like identity, values and beliefs are pretty personal.
Radical reorganization of those things does not happen without some significant resistance from the old man.
Change is never easy.
But changing my identity,
my values, beliefs and life purposes?
Well, lets’ talk about that!
We’re good at engaging the Holy Spirit in diversionary conversation to forestall the changes He wants to bring.
But if we understand that all of Gods’ plans for us are goo, if we truly comprehend that revelation resistance is not futile, resistance is non-existent.
But that revelation is part of the transformation as well.
Ask God to open your eyes to what He is doing and to who you are becoming in Christ.
He longs to partner with you in the work of transformation.
Are you ready?

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