Monday, October 26, 2015

Benefitting Others!

“A gentle answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.”
Proverbs 15:1
Have you ever tried to whisper and shout at the same time?
A dumb question, I know.
It can’t be done.
Maybe that’s the ‘secret’ behind today’s verse.
A ‘soft’ answer is an answer given by a person who is able to control their emotions.
A raised voice can be evidence of someone whose emotions are out of control.
No, it’s not merely a question of raised volume in your voice.
Scripture is replete with admonitions to “Shout!”
The walls of Jericho fell at with the obedient shout of the children of Israel.
Perhaps you’ve met or know someone who is ruled by their emotions.
We all have our moments…but the man or woman of God is learning to rule those emotions and not to be ruled by them.
An angry response has consequences.
So does a controlled one.
The soft answer turns away wrath.
The soft answer takes control of the situation.
But that same verse adds – “…but harsh words stir up anger.”
That is when we utter words we later regret.
That is when we take unwise and sometimes even a dangerous course of action.
Don’t let emotions ‘get the best of you.’
Let the Spirit of God rule in your spirit.
Let emotions come under His influence and control.
When you submit to that course of action you will learn the lessons of a soft answer.
Others will benefit from your lesson learned!

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