Thursday, November 15, 2012

Majority Rules?

“…Let God be true, and every man a liar…”
Romans 3:4 


Today, as I read a couple of news blogs, I saw two different topics represented by a map showing areas of the country currently “supporting” a particular viewpoint.
The context of one was that, while they had won some
crucial victories, they still had a lot of work to do.
The second one showed how quickly a particular cause
was gaining strength across the country.
Both implied that the “victory” would be theirs when a majority supported their cause.
While that may sound reasonable to some, let’s remember that truth is not determined based on how many support it or by how many are in vehement opposition to it.
Truth is found in God’s word and it does not change based on public opinion. 
We may be able to enact and repeal laws in this country based on votes but not all laws support the truth of God’s word.
Am I proposing that we ought not to be law-abiding citizens?
While that argument can be made that is not the point I am bringing today.
I want us to remember that no matter the numbers in favor or opposed to a thing; no matter the volume or passion of our arguments; regardless of the side on which the ‘experts’ reside; it does not change the truth of God’s word.
In other words, don’t be fooled by passion, emotions, numbers (majority or minority) when it comes to how you determine what is true and what is not.
Don’t be fooled; instead be guided by the truth found in the Bible.
As the day of Jesus’ return draws closer and closer the persecution of those who hold fast to God and His word will increase.
You may be labeled as uneducated, gullible and superstitious nuts who simply refuse to face the facts (presented for that particular days arguments) that the majority holds and believes. 
When that happens remember the saints before you who knew that God was God and they were going to hold fast to Him regardless of what others chose to say.
Don’t surrender your trust in God for the approval of men.
Don’t compromise what God declares because everyone else (at least it seems that way) declares a contrary message!
Hold fast!

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