Thursday, June 21, 2012

“They Grow Up So Fast”

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
 To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”
II Peter 3:18

Are you a parent?
Have you ever faced a milestone in your child’s life and uttered these words:
“They grow up so fast!”
A friend posted a picture on Facebook today of his daughter at her graduation from elementary school and made that same comment.
It got me wondering how often God the Father makes that statement about us?
We are supposed to grow up.
But (and I speak from personal experience as well as observation of others) sometimes it seems painfully slower than it ought to be.
I cannot lay the blame at the feet of God
More often than not it is my own stubbornness or selfish desires that keep me from steady growth.
Those things that can bring spiritual growth are often avoided
while we embrace the things that stunt that growth.
Have you ever been there?
Are you growing?
Are you maturing in the things of God?
Is Christ more recognizable in your life today than He was a year ago?
Sure, we all hit those bumps in the road but growth is expected, not optional for a saint.
I know growth is a process.
I also know that some growth simply happens over time.
But if there were a way to measure the pace of growth by all believers it is probably slower than it needs to be in most.
My prayer for you today is that moment-by-moment and day-by-day you make those choices that contribute to healthy and steady maturing in your walk with God.
May God look at you and proudly declare: “He grows up so fast!”

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