Monday, June 4, 2012

Hit With Blame

 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

“Some God of love alright!
Why, if God were as loving as you say then why did He do this…”?
Sound familiar?
What is the ‘this’ that He did?
Any tragedy, failure or hurt committed by others and wrongly placed at God’s feet.
This is a question we all face sooner or later in our walk with God.
It is a question that we either come to grips with or it is the question that will knock us out of the race.
It is just that important.
It is not a question answered with platitudes, cliché’s or flippant quips.
As a matter of fact, it is a question answered in His word but settled through relationship.
How is that?
The Bible answers the question but the fact is, the Bible answers a lot of questions that people still do not believe. Only as I grow in my knowledge of Him who is love and only as I trust Him more and more can I receive the truth that sin is what brought evil, rebellion, hatred and every other vile and horrible thing into the world.
 Man was corrupted by the sin committed in the Garden of Eden
Not only did God, who knows no sin, not introduce evil into the world; He actually provided the solution through His son.
Most of you would say – “That’s not news – I knew that!”
And maybe you did.
But this is not a question answered in our head.
It is a question that can only be answered in our heart
Only as we grow in our knowledge of Him and our love for Him can we begin to answer.
Likewise, we don’t tell someone who asks the question, we can only show them through our love and relationship to Him.
This is not an answer which is heard.
 It is an answer that must be seen.
My actions, my relationship will convince others and not mere letters strung together to make words.
You see – God really does take the hit from this question
but the real question for you and I is:
Does our life cause the hit He takes to be blame or credit?
Job did not blame God with wrongdoing.
How about you?

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