Thursday, June 14, 2012

ALL means ALL

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
  in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

How do you resist fear and release faith?
One of the ways this is accomplished is by learning to resist the urge to tell God how to fix things.
I can find nowhere in scripture where God had a cadre’ of consultants on retainer for any time He got “in over His head.”
I know you think it is absurd for me to even suggest that some might think that way.
So let me take it even a bit further.
I would suggest that it is likely we have all had that attitude at one time or another.
No, we probably don’t phrase it that way but we all too often behave as if God needs our ‘infinite’ wisdom to steer us through our lives.
After all we think to ourselves, “It’s my life we’re talking about.”
Therein lies the crux of the problem.
We still lay claim to our lives and haven’t surrendered all to Him.
The last time I checked all still means all and we find it twice in today’s verse.
We trust Him with ALL our heart and in ALL our ways we acknowledge Him– not 50, 90 or even 99 and 44/100ths%
Any portion we reserve is the exact portion that concedes it is our will over His.
Is that hard to receive? Sure.
But in the long run it is infinitely harder to do it our way.
As His Holy Spirit abides in you and you abide in Christ; each day will move you closer to that 100% surrender.
If you fall, then ask for His forgiveness, stand up, turn away from the sin and continue on trusting Him with ALL your heart and acknowledging Him in ALL your ways.

Has todays’ message ministered to you and do these blogs help you to grow in your relationship with Christ? Let me know with your feedback.  Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very ministered-to by this blog. I feel it is very anointed! Many, many times I have read this blog and I feel as though God is speaking right into my heart. I have received confirmation several times about different areas of my life, my faith has been strengthened and I have been encouraged when I really needed it. I've even felt the loving way God asks me to make corrections in my life come through these daily devotionals.

Thank you Pastor Stephen for writing this blog!