Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Many Convincing Proofs

“After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave

many convincing proofs that he was alive.”

Acts 1:3

This past Sunday we were challenged with a question.

Do our lives give convincing proof to others that Jesus is alive?

It is a question the church can ask of itself.

By and large we probably fail.

When others observe the ‘day-to-day’ of your and my life what are they seeing?

Is there a distinctive difference that causes them to want to draw near to God because of you?

Or do they simply see another person doing what everyone else is doing with no reflection of Christ.

It was, and is, a most challenging question.

May the proof of your relationship to Jesus convince others that He is so much more than a story told from long ago.

May it further convince them that without Him they are missing out on so much.

May your life provoke others to jealousy enough that it draws them to the Lord.

“...many convincing proofs...”

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