Monday, September 19, 2016

Beware the Overnight Sensation

“Then after fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem,

this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also.”

Galatians 2:1

Paul was not an ‘overnight sensation’!

After he met Jesus on the road to Damascus,

he took many years to grow and learn.

You too will grow as you develop time alone with God and time in fellowship and growth with other believers.

In your zeal, do not get ahead of Gods’ plans for you.

Perhaps Paul would have been considered a ‘celebrity saint’ in his day.

Yet he did not seek to capitalize on his Damascus road experience but took the time God had for him to learn and grow.

Beware the overnight sensation!

The church can sometimes be guilty of ‘presenting’ a celebrity who is not yet mature as a ‘voice’ to the body of Christ.

This can be harmful to that new believer as well as to the church.

That is not to say that we all grow at the same pace.

Our individual hunger can have a huge impact in accelerating our growth but we need to understand that zeal and hunger alone will not necessarily equip us for all the God has called us to do.

We learn to come into His presence and recognize His voice day-by-day and through the trials, testing and circumstances life presents.

Let God set the pace and wait patiently for Him as He works in you!

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