Thursday, September 22, 2016

Beware the False Believer!

“This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.”

Galatians 2:4

Even though the term ‘false believers’ may have seemed like an oxymoron then, even today we must acknowledge that the tares are sown among the wheat.

Paul indicates a twofold purpose of false believers –

1.     They spy on the freedom we have in Christ

2.     To make us slaves

You also may deal with some people whose purpose is not to come to Christ through the witness of your life but rather to observe and challenge the freedom you have and to bring you back to slavery.

A Gospel that brings bondage rather than liberty is a false Gospel.

The Judaizers in Jerusalem were insisting that Titus be circumcised.

This would not have brought freedom but bondage to the traditions of man.

God had established circumcision as a sign of the covenant He had with the offspring of Abraham but the early church recognized that it was not a ‘new requirement’ needed for Gentile believers in the New Covenant.

Paul rightly opposed those who sought to push a ‘false truth’ that those Gentiles needed to ‘become’ Jews before becoming Christ followers.

Don’t allow the traditions of man to become a prison cell in your life.

Christ came to set us free!

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