Monday, October 21, 2013

Love Unimaginable!

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8
Stop and think about what it would be like to be on your death bed and in excruciating pain just minutes, or at best, hours away from death.
Yet, while you are enduring pain unlike anything you have ever experienced, your thoughts are not on that pain but on the care, concern and love for the others in the room.
If you can comprehend what that must be like then you have the slightest sliver of coming remotely close to understanding what it was like for Jesus on the cross. The weight of mankind’s sin (not His own or the sin of one or two people but of all mankind in history)
was on Him.
He had been beaten, whipped, mocked and crucified.  
His ultimate hurt being when the Father turned His back on the Son, no matter how momentary, not looking on the sin His Son carried for you and for me.
Yet, Jesus had compassion on those who crucified Him.
He speaks words of hope to the thief hanging on a cross next to Him.
He takes care of the welfare of Mary his earthly mother.
None of this occurred with any painkillers or anesthesia in His system.
Love compelled Him to do what He did.
Love, too often, only seems to ‘compel’ us in the easy and convenient moments of life.
Let another person ‘stress’ us or in some small way cause an offense and we
are ready to crucify them (purposeful choice of words) rather
than extending care, concern, compassion or love.
Do you know Him who is that compelling love?
His name is Jesus.
He died for you.
Even in your anger and indifference toward Him, He still loves you.
If you never have known that love, won’t you surrender your heart to Him today?
You can never know the depth of love God has for you until you receive Him!

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