Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Seasoning We Should Apply to Our Words!

“If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.”
I Corinthians 13:1 (Message)

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.”
I Corinthians 13:1 (NIV)

When I read this verse in the Message translation printed above I often am reminded of one of the most grating noises known to man – that is the sound of finger nails dragged across an old slate chalkboard.
Just thinking about it makes some people cringe.
It just is not a very pleasant sound.
Paul, in the NIV translation also printed above, compares all of our eloquent speech, when those words are devoid of love, being nothing more than the equivalent of a resounding gong or clanging cymbal.
A clanging cymbal and a resounding gong are two instruments that
can be very loud and sometimes very annoying.
It is nearly impossible to “sugar-coat” a clanging cymbal!
So too, the words, no matter how carefully chosen, that are not spoken out of love.
Have you ever been guilty of blurting something out and realizing, at
the same moment the words slip off your tongue, how hurtful they are?
Then we try to justify the words we just ‘hit’ someone with, by making this statement:
“Well, its’ the truth!”
Maybe it was, but was it delivered in love?
So often we feel the need to set someone straight because our own ego and pride is wrapped up in letting them know ‘the truth’ but we never stop to consider whether or not we are speaking the truth in love.
Putting the verse in context, Paul was speaking about the delivery of the vocal gifts in the local church. However, it is not a stretch to apply that same principle to all of our words.
Without love all I say is ineffective.
Without love, words are just noise.
With love, my words can bring life and build up.
So the next time, before you speak, stop and think
and season those words of truth with love!

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