Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Babys' First Steps

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you
to the interests of the others.”
Philippians 2:3-11

What are the big and the little ways that we can focus on other
people instead of always looking after our own interests?
How do we turn our attention to others with genuine expressions of love and service?
We might be tempted to begin a list which has steps far bigger than we are currently taking.
That would be counter-productive.
When you learned to walk as a child it wasn’t by one day standing up straight, perfectly balanced and walking over to your mom or dad. We all learned by first being able to roll over, then sit up, and eventually we graduated to our
first wobbly, unassisted step only to fall down again.
My point is that it took us some time and it was gradual success as we stayed with it.
The same is true when it comes to focusing on others.
I naturally want to focus on my own concerns and interests.
That is not always a bad thing; but when I am only consumed by what matters to me where is Christ in that scenario?
If my goal is to love as Christ loves then I will learn to surrender my will to His.
His will is all about serving others through me!
When I begin to take my eyes off of myself and recognize how I might love and care for others, I also begin to see how great God loves and cares for me.
I would not even begin to suggest ways for you to do that because the Holy Spirit is well able and desires to lead you in those acts of service.
Listen for His direction.
He will give you what you can handle and continued obedience brings growth.
Before you know it the baby is up and walking!
Then the steps get bigger.
But He is always with you and whatever He leads you in He equips you for.
What did you do when you wanted your baby to walk more than one step?
You went just out of his reach and you called his name.
Did the baby look at himself and his feet or did he look at, and move toward, the object of his affection?
Make others the object of your affections, your care and your concern.
Focus on others and show them His love.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you learn to walk.

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