Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time: The Great Equalizer?

“Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are;
help us to spend them as we should.”
Psalm 90:12 (Living Bible)

60 x 24 x 60 = 86,400
Do you know what the equation and the answer above represents?
Let me give you a hint: It is a great equalizer for every human being on earth.
If you guessed that it was the number of seconds in one
24-hour period you are correct.
We all have the same number – 86,400 – seconds in our day.
Doesn’t matter if you’re pretty or pretty ugly – you still only get 86,400 seconds in a day.
Wealthy people receive the same 86,400 as the dirt poor.
The well-educated have not figured out how to increase that number and so share it in common with the ignorant man.
But guess what the wise man does?
(Note that wise and well-educated are not necessarily the same!)
We are told in Proverbs 10:27
“Reverence for the LORD adds hours to each day;
so how can the wicked expect a long good life.”
The wise man reverences the LORD and discovers that he can accomplish so much more than the fool.
Suppose a skeptic says: “I don’t believe that! So, I will follow you around for the next 24 hours with a stop watch and let’s see if your day is any longer than mine!”
What will happen?
The skeptic will spend the next day following the wise man; who will,
in fact, spend his day accomplishing much, much more.
How? By reverencing the LORD!
It sounds too good to be true and too simple at the same time but it is simple and it is true.
God, the LORD is not limited by time as you and I often are.
Make Him your priority and watch how much
more can be accomplished in and through your life!

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