Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Giving That Reveals You as a Child of God

“For the creation waits in eager expectation
for the children of God to be revealed.”
Romans 8:19

If you were to see a need and, with what you had,
were able to meet that need; would you?
Suppose you were able to meet every need that presented itself?
I know what you’re thinking – that would be impossible.
One person alone cannot meet all the needs in the world.
The problem with that thinking is that too often it keeps us from doing anything at all.
Let me make it a little bit easier for you.
Suppose you only met the needs that God spoke directly to you about?
Would you do that?
Would you agree that would be a worthwhile thing to do?
Imagine the impact for the Cause of Christ if we all obediently responded to God in helping others.
What if we laid aside all of our excuses and got down to ‘business’ in our giving?
The world is watching.
The world is waiting.
Perhaps you think I am taking a bit of liberty with the context of our verse for today. Maybe I am.
But stop and think for just a moment how different it could be if we all obeyed God and blessed others with our resources. We already agreed yesterday that we cannot out-give God, so as we begin to sow into other peoples lives the blessings pour back into ours only to be sown again, in multiplied ways, by us, and so it continues.
Do you think the disciples of Jesus Christ might bring some glory to His name simply through obedient giving?
Something to think about, wouldn’t you say?

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