Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Share the Kingdom


“After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.

He appeared to them over a period of forty days and

spoke about the kingdom of God.”

Acts 1:3

Likely no human has endured the horrific pain and suffering that Jesus did up to and during His crucifixion.

He was with His disciples, as detailed above, for over forty days following His resurrection.

He had plenty of time to throw a pity party.

Nowhere is it recorded or even hinted that Jesus complained about all that He suffered.

We would certainly be howling and lamenting to everyone we came across how terribly we had suffered.

Not Jesus.

We are told He spent that time telling his followers about the Kingdom of God.

The Word made flesh knew how to redeem the time.

Though no human had experienced what Jesus had, He remained steadfast in declaring the Kingdom of God.

He was looking forward to the promised Holy Spirit being sent by His Father to the 120 gathered in that upper room.

He was looking forward to the untold numbers to receive that promise in the days and years following.

He was looking forward, with joy, to the day you received the Holy Spirit promise from the Father.

Now it is our turn to turn away from any complaints, pity parties or the like.

He showed us what to do.

Share the Kingdom with others!



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