Thursday, September 11, 2014

Trust and obey . . .

Today's blog post is contributed by Denise Friedman -

As we continue to see the Holy Spirit flowing around us, we are learning this is an active process on our part - we have responsibilities.  Yesterday we learned we have a responsibility to join what God is doing, not just watch.  There are two additional responsibilities I would like to share so we can be sure we don’t miss what God has for us.

First, we have a responsibility to test what God is doing.  By this, I mean we need to test to be sure it is God.  At times, it might look like God is asking us to do something a little crazy, so we need to be sure to filter it through Him.  Sometimes, it might look like God is asking others to do something a little crazy.  It is not our job to judge.  This might be challenging at times after all, don’t we know best? Surely God wouldn’t ask me to do that!  What that person is doing can’t be God!  We are called Children of God, not judges of God (or others).  Test what we are asked to do, absolutely, but if it is God, we are to trust it, not judge it.

The other responsibility you have is to flow with what God is doing, not just doing what you prefer.  This can be so difficult at times.  Maybe you love to teach others about God.  However, you might be in a setting where the focus is worship.  At this time, your responsibility is to worship.  Perhaps you join a small group or Bible study and at one meeting, everyone is asked to pray out loud!  I know, I know, this might be a stretch for you.  God knows it too.  You honor Him by flowing with the Holy Spirit and setting your personal preferences aside at that time. 

Both of these areas require a great trust in our Leader and leadership! When we trust our Leader, God, has plans to prosper me, and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future (Jer 29:11), we can trust what he is asking us to do, will advance His Kingdom on earth.   When we believe we are following our leadership, as they imitate and follow Christ,  (1 Cor 11:1), we can be confident as we set aside our personal preferences to flow where the Holy Spirit is flowing.

As the title of today’s message suggests – Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey

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