Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rubber Saints or Crystal Christians?

“Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
    We are the clay, you are the potter;
    we are all the work of your hand”
Isaiah 64:8

I remember a toy from a while back called “Stretch Armstrong”.
It was a male action figure made of some type of rubber material.
You could stretch and twist his limbs any which way and they would not break.
Compare that toy with some crystal water goblets we have at home.
They are lovely to look at but very, very fragile.
They come out only on special occasions and must be handled with kid gloves.
Unlike Stretch Armstrong, they do not bend or twist.
They are delicate pieces meant to be handles as such.
You know where I am going with this…
Which are you in the hands of God?
Are you pliable and able to be conformed to His image?
Are you delicate, lovely to be looked at, but unyielding to any type of pressure?
Do you surrender to His hands shaping and forming you or do you prefer to stay as you are?
Maybe, like the crystal goblet, you ‘present well’ to others but God does not find a vessel willing to be shaped by His hands. You come out on special occasions like Christmas and Easter but are certainly not someone who would change their schedule (let alone their life plans) because God requires it!
On the other hand, maybe there is some elasticity in you…you are like Stretch Armstrong in the hands of God.
Your prayer is that you would always surrender to His shaping and forming of your life even when He stretches you in ways you had not anticipated.
Can words like ‘durable’, ‘flexible’, ‘conformable’ describe you when it comes to doing Gods’ will?
Maybe your answer is: “I try to be but I have to admit, sometimes I am more like the crystal than I want to be.”
That is a wonderful place to start as you pray and ask God to make you more pliable to His work in your life.
We desire that change that forms us more closely to your image and not simply change for changes sake.
 May we surrender and not resist the forming and shaping you desire to accomplish in each of us.
We surrender to your will.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray.

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