Friday, August 23, 2013

Truth is Truth is Truth

Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!”
John 8:45
What makes something true?
Is it how many people accept it as the truth?
Is it whatever you are comfortable with?
Is truth defined by society ‘norms’?
Is the ‘truth’ of 100 years ago now ‘less than true’?
Of 1,000 years ago?
Does truth change?
How you answer those questions depends on who (and what) you accept as truth.
If God is truth and we accept that He is unchangeable then truth is unchangeable.
Truth is known as we know Him.
Truth is not based on someone’s feelings.
Not even when those feeling may be hurt.
I am not advocating intentionally trying to hurt others for the sake of truth.
I am recognizing though that when you stand for the truth, you may offend some.
Behaviors, attitudes and lifestyles, which just a decade ago would have been unacceptable, are now accepted as ‘truth’ and the only ones who are allowed to be offended are those who speak out against those behaviors, attitudes and lifestyles.
Perhaps of greater consequence is the church compromising truth to be seen as ‘inclusive’.
The church that dilutes the truth to be accepted by society or pop culture is the church that has lost its’ way.
That is not to say we shouldn’t be relevant.
The truth always will be.
How you present that truth may change.
For example, circuit preachers riding horseback from here to there is a thing of the past but today social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc…can be used to spread the Gospel.
Use the tools available but don’t deny, dilute or diminish the message!
Truth is Truth is Truth!

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