Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Rescuers

“Rescue any who need to be saved, as you would rescue someone from a fire. Then with fear in your own hearts, have mercy on everyone who needs it. But hate even the clothes of those who have been made dirty by their filthy deeds.”
Jude 1:23 (Contemporary English Version)
Have you ever seen those ‘cash grab’ booths that you enter and then try to snatch the cash that is being blown all around you inside the enclosed booth?
There is always some time limit applied to how long you remain in the booth.
What motivates you to grab as much as you possibly can?
For most of us it is that we are already envisioning what we will do with the money.
It’s spent before we even leave the booth!
Each of us has a destiny.
But, like each of us, this earth also has a destiny.
This earth will pass away and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
Gods’ desire is that none would perish.
His desire is to populate heaven with the redeemed.
It is not His desire to populate hell with those who reject Him.
Earths’ ‘time’ is quickly passing away.
The birth pangs are increasing.
We are on God’s timetable.
As you walk on this planet is it your desire to ‘snatch’ as many from hell fire as you can?
What motivates you in your daily walk?
Jesus often saw people beyond their present circumstances to what they could become in God.
We spoke yesterday of seeing Jesus differently like the Centurion was able to.
Do you see that co-worker, friend or stranger through Christ’s eyes or do you see them bound and stuck in sin only destined to hell?
Ask God to help you see others as He does.
Instead of being like the man or woman who enters the cash grab booth to gather as much as possible to consume on self, ask God to change those resistant parts of your heart and allow you to see others with a desire to rescue them “…from a fire.”

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