Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Silent Saturday Followed by SHOUTIN’ SUNDAY

“The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said...”
Matthew 28:5-6
Have you ever been in a difficult place in life?
Who hasn’t, right?
When nothing seems to make sense in your life, what do you do?
Before you answer let me throw one more thing at you.
God is silent.
You pray, you stay faithful and you continue to abide in Him and yet He gives no specific direction.
I have heard some say that if you do all those things, God is not silent and you must be missing something.
But that has not been my experience.
Don’t e-mail me, I know we stand on His word and not on our experiences – I’m just saying…
 I have known those seasons when God may use me to minister to others; times when He is not silent in me as I minister but is silent to me concerning something that is happening in my life for which I am seeking guidance.
What do you do?
Well, one of the lessons of Easter is also the answer to that question.
You trust Him.
Yes, I would like to give you something that sounds more profound but honestly there is nothing more important that you can do in those seasons than to trust Him.
You see, the resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that He can be trusted!
Did you notice in our selected text for today the four words: “…just as He said.”
Jesus keeps His word.
He said He would rise again and He did.
He can be trusted!
I can trust Him with my life even when He is silent.
I would have to imagine that the period of time between the crucifixion and the resurrection was a pretty “silent” time for the disciples.
There was probably a lot of soul searching going on.
Maybe they made some searches through the Law and the Prophets too.
I suppose if God spoke to them it may have been two words: “Hold On!”
I suspect though, that it was a pretty silent Saturday.
But there was a SHOUTIN’ SUNDAY to follow!
Maybe you find yourself in a silent Saturday season.
Hold On, trust God – there’s a SHOUTIN’ SUNDAY coming.
Let the resurrection of Jesus Christ remind you – He can be trusted!

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