Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Habit of Hope

 “…and my hope is in you all day long”
Psalm 25:5b
This scripture is as much noticeable for what it doesn’t say as for what it does.
For example, it doesn’t say:
“My hope is in you when I am in my prayer closet.”
Nor does it say:
“My hope is in you as you bless me.”
It doesn’t even say:
“My hope is in you as long as things are going well!”
Nope, the Psalmist makes God His hope all day long.
We don’t know what a day holds for us.
It could be as routine as ever or it could hold unexpected tragedy, great promise or even a day like the one when Joseph found himself in a pit or the day Job lost it all.
We just don’t know.
David wrote that his hope was in God regardless of what the passing of time brought to him.
Can you say the same?
No, no, no, not as you jump out of bed; but can you say the same at the end of the day?
Anyone can praise God when the sun is coming up, the birds are chirping outside your window and your plans for the day are wonderful.
But is your declaration the same after a horrendous 24 hours?
Do you have a ‘habit of hope’ regardless or a hype that withers under the pressures we all face?
Make hope in God a habit and not hype.
Trust Him in spite of the circumstances.
He will see you through!

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