Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Run Away or Draw Near?


“But as for me, it is good to be near God.

I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”

Psalm 73:28 

Stop and consider this question:

What is it that you most value in life?

Is it family?

Is it reputation?

How about financial security, prestige or power?

There is a story in the bible of a man named Job.

Job lost all that he valued – all of those things we just listed – and more.

But wait a minute; I know what you’re thinking.

“Surely”, you say, “Job must have done something wrong to have had all of this happen to him.”


Have you ever had something wrong happen at a time in your life when you are doing everything right?

Job was not reaping what he had sown just as we may sometimes find ourselves in a crisis not of our own making.

It is exactly in those seasons when we can choose to run away from or draw near to God.

The easy way is, of course, to run away.

And it is a path lined with cheerleaders too.

Why even in Job’s life the life coach advising him to run was his wife.

Here were her words to him:

“...Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!"

Job 2:9

It seems everyone who was anyone had counsel to offer Job.

In our moments of struggle it is not uncommon for well-meaning friends to offer advice.

But their advice is not always godly.

Be wise about who you listen too, especially in moments of crisis, trial and temptation.

Remember that the devil came to tempt Jesus after forty days of fasting in the wilderness.

Don’t allow him to exploit the moments you are weak to further weaken your resolve.

In those moments do not choose to run away from God, instead choose to draw near!


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