Thursday, December 27, 2018

Pray For Your Children

“And the child grew and became strong;

he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.”

Luke 2:40

Maybe you recognize this verse from Luke.

You may even know that it is speaking of Jesus.

But how about this – let it also be a prayer that every parent would pray for their child?

What mom or dad wouldn’t want their child to grow and become strong?

Or who wouldn’t want their son or daughter to be filled with wisdom and have the grace of God on them?

Let’s all do our part to not only live for God ourselves but to raise a generation of children who grow up in His grace!

Your children are grown?

Pray for your grandchildren or adopt in prayer some other youngsters.

You never know who God will use to impact the world.

He might use someone you have been faithfully praying for.

How exciting is that?

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