Thursday, February 2, 2017

Stop the Spin Cycle

“From that time Jesus began to preach and say,

“Repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking,

regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance;

seek God’s purpose for your life],

for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 4:17 (Amplified)

We have probably all heard of the definition of repentance that says it is a 180 degree turn in our behaviors from where we were headed to where we are headed.

While that is an accurate description of repentance perhaps you wonder sometimes: “Why do I seem to be constantly turning 180 degrees.”

In other words, you ask, why does it feel like I am going in circles in my journey with Christ?”

Because changing our actions is only half the picture.

The root of the problem is our thinking.

If we only change our action and do not change our thinking we will repeat and repeat and repeat those things we do not want to repeat.

Jesus spoke of changing in the inward man.

When we do that through changing our thinking then the outward actions begin to change.

It does not work the other way around.

The ‘other way around’ method will keep us going in circles!

Repentance is more than feeling sorry for what you did.

While that may be a good start it must be followed with the change in your thinking that causes you to conform to the will of God for your life in that area you struggle with.

That stop the spin cycle!

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