Monday, February 20, 2017

Apply the Lessons of Life!

“I applied my heart to what I observed

    and learned a lesson from what I saw:”

Proverbs 24:32

It is so easy to be busy with the circumstances of life

 – rushing here and there –

that we seldom take time to observe and see and then learn and apply to our own lives.

“Observe and see what?” you ask.

Exactly the point!

There are lessons that can be learned every day through simply observing and seeing what is going on around you.

Step back for a moment.

What can that confrontation at work teach you?

How can you apply that lesson to grow and mature in your life?

How about the quiet kindness you saw one person do for another?

Let it be an opportunity to remind you of kindnesses you too can share with others.

Sometimes we move so quickly from ‘seeing’ and ‘observing’ to ‘judging’ and ‘sentencing’ others that we miss the wisdom of applying and learning in our own lives.

Many will remind you not to let life pass you by.

That is true – but let’s also remember not to let the lessons of life go unapplied!

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