Thursday, January 16, 2014


“…but not everything is beneficial”
I Corinthians 6:12b
How do you judge a thing beneficial?
Something is, or is not, beneficial to you based on the values you hold dear.
If I value the Word of God, I will make the time to read it, study it, memorize it and obey it!
If, instead, I can only offer excuses about why I don’t have time for any of those things I am exposing, through my words and my actions, my true values.   
We find the time and make the effort for the activities that really matter to us.
Do you want to mature spiritually?
Is it important to you that your fellowship with God becomes sweeter and sweeter?
Then it may be time to cull out of your life those things which are not beneficial.
Certainly sin needs to be repented of but there can also be things in our lives which we might not consider sin, we may even think of them as ‘good things’ but if they distract us from our walk with God they are not beneficial.
Maybe it’s a hobby which leaves you no time except what you have for work and sleep.
Maybe it’s a career that demands more and more and more…
Some may be infatuated with another person while others circle the globe just for the thrill of travel.
Ironically, the best way to know those things which are not beneficial and may be robbing us of precious time with the Lord is by spending precious time with the Lord.
Go into His presence, hand Him your calendar (electronic or otherwise) and ask Him to schedule your time.
It may not look too much like how you schedule your time.
Take note of what He has removed in order for you to be with Him.
Those are the things that are not beneficial.
It may not be easy but if you truly value your relationship with Him, eliminating those things He points out will be beneficial!

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