Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Growing in the Faith of God

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”
Romans 10:17 (KJV)
The verse above is most recognizable to us in the language of the King James Version of scripture.
But while it is recognizable, is it always understood correctly?
Does my faith grow simply by hearing the Word of God?
To press this a little further –
If I read the word 8 hours a day do I have more faith than the person who only reads it two hours a day?
Does faith simply grow based on how much of the Word I read or listen too?
I don’t think anyone would argue the value of reading and hearing the Word of God.
But there are many who read and walk away no stronger in their faith than before they read the word.
The word translated ‘word’ in the verse above is actually from the Greek ‘rhema’.
Another Greek word translated ‘word’ in other places in scripture is the word ‘logos’.
Logos simply means a written word.
In other words ink on paper.
Logos could refer to the bible text but it could just as easily apply to a text from Shakespeare.
Rhema means an ‘alive’ word.
The word becomes alive and real to you in a way ink on paper cannot.
Does an ‘alive’ word sound strange to you?
Consider John 1:13 as it speaks of Jesus: “the Word became flesh…”
Jesus the ‘word’ dwells in each believer.
As we read and hear the Word of God it bears witness with the Word in us and is made alive to us in ways no mere ink on paper ever can!
That grows our faith!
His ‘alive’ Word speaking to my spirit and becoming alive for me, in me and through me!
So why does all of this matter?
Faith grows, not simply because of applying myself academically, i.e. reading more, but through relationship with the Living Word of God Jesus Christ.

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