Friday, November 1, 2013

Rest in the Midst of Chaos

Perhaps your week has been chaotic. Please allow today's blog contributed by David Trotta to remind you that we serve the Prince of Peace who gives us His peace!

During a recent trip to Magic Kingdom, I was watching my grandson sleep in his stroller.  I was struck by how peaceful he slept, despite the commotion all around him.  We were on Main Street waiting for the parade to begin, so you can imagine how large the crowd was.  There were people everywhere laughing and talking; a very bustling place to say the least.

Yet, none of that concerned my grandson.  He wasn’t agitated or afraid, just fast asleep without a care in the world.  Why do you think that was?  I believe it was because his little heart did not feel any sense of danger or fear.  He was surrounded by parents and other family members who loved him and would do anything to protect him and provide for his every need.  Sure, he could never articulate that, but he didn’t have to.  His peaceful nap said it all.  He was completely at rest.

How do you respond when there is chaos all around, or when the issues of life are coming at you at a breakneck pace?

God gives us a promise of rest when things become overwhelming.  Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

When the craziness and demands of life are getting the best of you, run to your Father and rest knowing how much He loves you and is able to provide for your every need and protect you from any harm.  The chaos and issues facing you may still be there, but like my grandson, you can rest in the midst of them knowing you are firmly in the care of your heavenly Father.

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