Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Rule of Law

“Those who forsake instruction praise the wicked,

    but those who heed it resist them.”

Proverbs 28:4

Even in a day when the wicked and lawbreakers are praised there will still be those who keep the law and resist the wicked.

They may not be in the majority but then again the simply having a majority opinion has never been a good bell weather of what the truth is.

We are living in a day in the earth when law breakers and the wicked are the ones being praised and the righteous are held in contempt.

We speak of those who choose to break the law as ‘honorable’.

We have praised lawlessness as something to be regarded as good while attacking the rule of law as evil.

We have called evil good and good evil.

What is evil we ‘rename’ in an effort to make it more palatable and assuage our collective societal conscience.

Those who keep the law are mocked, after all they are the unreasonable, unfair and ‘intolerant’ ones as popular culture portrays them.

We must not build our faith on what others say or do and claim as righteous, but on Gods’ word.

Men can be loud, persuasive and even of late, violent in their threats and activities.

That should never be cause for us to forsake Gods’ law or even mans’ laws when they are built upon the principals of Gods’ word.

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